Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

1 Resultado de traducción para spot on en español


spot on adjective

unfavorite favorite
(informal) en el blanco

Ejemplos de uso de
spot on adjective

  • The comedian's impression of Donald Trump was spot on.

spot noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
mancha; punto; grano; apuro, aprieto, lío; lugar, sitio

Ejemplos de uso de
spot noun

  • The wood still has some rough spots.
  • The chair's original paint is still visible in spots.
  • He fell through a weak spot in the ice.
  • The tablecloth had a couple of spots.
  • There were mud spots on the back of his pants.
  • rust spots on the metal
  • I noticed some red spots on my arms.
  • spots of rot on the leaf
  • a teenager with spots on his face
  • This looks like a good spot for a picnic.
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Traducción inversa para spot on

en el blanco  (informal)